Announcing the Stackery Partner Program

Farrah Campbell

Stackery has launched a partner program currently centered around Systems Integrators. Here's why.

You've heard it before: serverless is no longer a vague concept peppered across conference keynotes for intrigue. In late 2019 real software developers and their teams are using serverless architecture and many companies have publicly endorsed this shift in direction. This means great things for developer ergonomics and the enterprise bottom line.

As we know, seismic shifts in computing philosophy don't just happen-- they are cultivated in response to widespread demand. In this case, business value and a desire to focus on applications over infrastructure are part of what's driving the adoption and evaluation of serverless architecture. So, who exactly is behind the wheel?

We all owe a massive debt to the Systems Integrators (SIs) who believe in serverless and wish to deliver complete, production-ready applications to their customers. The new Stackery Partner Program is largely inspired by SIs and the serverless applications they are building for and with their clients. Whether they are tackling architecture-modernization or ops-related projects, SIs play a major role in the innovation of clients' business. 

Systems Integrators + Stackery: Why?

As an SI, it can be complicated to simply build and hand-off an application without delivering an esoteric project to an already overloaded team. But what the client truly wants is a complete project, not a tangled one where the onus is on them to sort out once your job is "done".

Stackery directly serves this effort by design. You'll be able to set up an agile project, without the bother of writing YAML files and you'll gain a graphical view of your architecture for when you come back to the project after some time has passed.

The result? You can communicate the architecture and flows of a serverless application to a client without getting bogged down in infrastructure and implementation details. Crucially, Stackery also helps you centralize all the information related to your development process: a major benefit during any period of governance-related auditing.

If you're an SI, you might be reading this and thinking, "ok, but if I adopt a new tool to aid my serverless development, how will my team be impacted?"

Of course you want to keep your awesome team employed! We want that for you, too. But your client doesn't want to pay the costs of an engineering team whose work is totally automated by a serverless development tool, either.

Stackery helps with both of these considerations because it seamlessly fits in with the development process you already abide by while making the working lives of your engineers much easier. As your team uses Stackery, they'll evolve into an AWS serverless "center of excellence" without necessitating a spendy training investment.

With Stackery, your entire team will quickly gain confidence in serverless development workflow while reaching the deployment stage of app development much faster. More productive and confident serverless engineers give your clients the assurance they are getting their money's worth. This improves two critical bottom lines: your clients' and, in turn, your own.

In short, Stackery+AWS serverless = delivery superpowers for your application development practice.

The Program

We clearly think that Stackery is a major asset for SIs implementing serverless architecture. Because of this, we've enabled the cost of Stackery to be paid directly by your client via their AWS bill. This massively simplifies the process of directing your clients to Stackery. Streamlined client billing ameliorates the occasional frenzy of having multiple clients using the same outside tools.

Don't miss this handy page for all the information you need about how Stackery benefits you as an SI!

Not Using AWS Serverless? Here's why SIs should explore it. 

Naturally, we are going to tout AWS serverless here at Stackery, but we think Systems Integrators benefit from using it in particular! Here's what you stand to gain:

  • Scalable proof-of-concepts in real-time: Projects build on serverless can go live and scale without dependencies on infrastructure readiness or groups outside of the client's business unit. This equates to a win-win for both you and your client!

  • Removal of infrastructure and security risks in your projects: With AWS serverless, you have the ability to focus on the application you are producing and not the infrastructure or infrastructure security. When AWS is responsible for the infrastructure, your team can focus on customers, business logic and application-level security. A pretty top-to-bottom solution, no?

  • Modernization projects to be reckoned with: For net new or modernization projects, serverless is often an ideal path. Why? For those organizations shifting to a lean cloud-based model, a number of architectural obstacles stand in their way, no matter how worth it the end result will be. The more bespoke cost model (software, development, operational, capacity management, runtime, etc) faster time-to-market, and lessened operational burden of serverless addresses these obstacles of modernization.

There's more you stand to gain as a systems integrator utilizing AWS serverless with the power of your clients. Find out how we can impact your ease of implementation, client happiness, and bottom-line for the better today!

Check out the Stackery Partner Program for systems integrators today

Attending Serverlessconf NYC and/or AWS Re:Invent this Fall? Schedule a 1:1 with our team by emailing to discuss the program and more!

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