Have you been attending Stackery's Serverless Summer School? As a non-engineer, I'll admit, I was a little nervous. Was it going to be over my head? Would I spend the entire Twitch stream furiously writing down all the terms I didn't know so that I could ask about them later? Would my brain need some debugging after trying to download a bunch of information that I didn't really get?
I'm glad to be able to say that the answer is a resounding no. I may not know much about coding (outside of just enough to make a MySpace page look really cool circa 2006), but that didn't end up being a barrier. Following along with Chase and company made everything really simple.
Sure, there were terms that I might not have known right away, but everything was explained and clarified so that even my non-engineer self could understand what exactly was happening. I have a fresh new vocabulary to flex (DynamoDB tables, SES, integrated development environment, git repositories, and what a stack actually is). I can actually follow along in conversations with our engineering team. I no longer truly consider myself technically un-savvy.
I've seen it said time and again, and now I can pretty well vouch that it's true: serverless really is for everyone. I'd always thought of coding as something intimidating; Matrix-style lines running across a screen, a comma in the wrong place bringing down the entire worldwide banking system, needing to type 180 words per minute to keep up...
Yet after attending our current Serverless Summer School sessions, I realized that building an app isn't nearly as intimidating as I had thought. I'm far from an expert, but I'm also much more interested in learning more about coding and engineering now. Don't worry engineers, I'm not coming for your jobs (yet) but it was empowering to try something totally outside my wheelhouse and find some level of confidence there.
Here at Stackery, we call our product "serverless confidence software" because it allows you to navigate the potentially challenging and "uncharted" waters of serverless if you're just now adopting it. The best part about Serverless Summer School is that it allows you to confidently get started with "serverless confidence software". That's a lot of self-assurance-- don't forget me on your way to the top!
Whether you're an old hat (or a white hat-- that's a computer thing, right?) or you haven't written a line of code in your life, Serverless Summer School has something for you. If you haven't joined us yet, you can go back and watch our previous Twitch sessions and join us going forward! Don't worry, I saved a seat for you!
We have great hosts lined up for upcoming sessions, including Sam Goldstein (VP of Product and Engineering at Stackery), Eric Johnson (Senior Serverless Dev Advocate at AWS), AM Grobelny (Start-up Partner Solutions Architect at AWS), and Chase Douglas (CTO at Stackery).
For the rest of the program, we'll be covering SES, Websockets, and dialing in the skills from the earlier workshops. There may be dancing involved. There will definitely be humor. And most importantly, you'll be able to come out of the workshop and hit the ground running with Stackery.
School is in session-- I'll see you there!
Read more about the curriculum and add upcoming sessions to your calendar!