I'm excited to announce support for Python in Stackery! Python is our third supported language, along with Node.js and .NET.
Our Python support enables easy integration with all the other Stackery nodes, like Rest Apis, Docker Tasks, and Object Stores. Here's a simple example Python function that takes in a request to the path /users/{name} and responds back with "Hello, <name>!":
def handler(message):
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': 'Hello, ' + message['resourceParams']['name'] + '!'
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
Like our other supported languages, Stackery also makes it easy to develop Python functions with package dependencies. At deployment preparation time, Stackery looks for a requirements.txt file in your function's source code. Stackery uses pip to install dependencies listed in the file.
Stackery supports Python version 3.6. You can find the full integration documentation in the Python section of our Function documentation.