All Posts on aws lambda


Alexa, How Can I Get AWS Credits?

Answer: By deploying an Alexa Skill with Stackery
10 min

Deploy an Alexa Skill to create your own AWS-themed interactive trivia (and receive $50 AWS credits). Win-win!


A Timeline of Resource Use

Stuck at home + data = graphs!
1 min

I'm a bit of a data nerd. And like many fortunate people, I'm still working from and generally staying home and have a lot spare time on my hands. So what does that combination result in? Graphs!


Dealing With the AWS Lambda Invocation Payload Limits

1 min

If you’ve dealt with Lambda functions you may have run across the RequestEntityTooLargeException AWS Lambda exception that occurs when a function is invoked with too large of a payload. This article looks at how to get around this error.


The Secret Lives of Failed Amazon SQS Messages

How to redrive your SQS messages to success
3 min

I found lots of information about dead letter queues, but no examples that demoed a redrive function to retry those failed messages. This post is meant to serve as a nice example for folks like me who want to do this on AWS and haven’t found many examples.


Automating Monitoring Partners

Lambda API extensions now include monitoring partners
3 min

AWS Lamba Extensions now allows for automation with monitoring partners.


AWS Lambda Meets Container Images

Container Image Support for Serverless Lambda Functions
2 min

Container Images for Lambda Functions allow you to adopt serverless while keeping your image container image toolchain!

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